In the heart of Laguna Beach, small business owners and newlyweds, Jordan and Tif, hosted their wonderful home for a morning of conversation and connection. We were spoiled by the elegance of their space inside and out. The backyard was an oasis of radiant plants and luscious fruit, overwhelmed by the views of Laguna Canyon in the early dawn. Entering their home, we were welcomed by an array of candles, books, and novelties with the intention of placement and care for comfort. As we brewed a warm batch of Flowerhead Tea, served from KINTO ceramic ware, we engaged in dialogue.
"how this all came to be."
Thank you for hosting us in this beautiful space. How did you find this spot in the first place? Furthermore, can you talk more about the intention behind the design and the vibe you want to curate?
(Jordan) We were living in a spot in Laguna Beach previously and had to quickly scramble for a new place due to some circumstances. Luckily, the son of the family who owns this property is a good friend whom I met roughly sixteen years ago. He came to me and mentioned that his parents owned this secret little apartment that was rented out to friends. So, that’s how this all came to be; A bit of a friend deal.
The family’s vibe is very Hawaiian-like. They’re passionate about First Nation people, so you can see hints of homage to their culture. In our little space, we’ve adopted a blend of Scandinavian, Moroccan, and Japanese influences – The core minimalist styles. There are other components like being on a budget and accommodating for the small space. We’re currently under 7-foot ceilings, so instead of owning a standard couch, we assembled two organic twin mattresses that we are currently lounging on.
(Tif) The table in front of us was originally shelves, but we repurposed it into a coffee table with the materials and tools we already owned.

"Bare feet on the ground, connected to nature."
We're now realizing the intention behind the furniture and especially how low everything is to the ground; It keeps everything, well… grounded. Does this layout influence your day-to-day interactions and overall energy?
(Tif) Jordan and I share similar values but have different personalities. For example, I’m very quiet, and like to sit and read; whereas, Jordan is more active and enjoys playing music. So, the intention behind this space is to keep us level and balanced with each other.
(Jordan) The values we share are very close to the earth – Bare feet on the ground, connected to nature. And having everything intentionally low aligns greatly with those core values.
We couldn’t help but share with our readers that we’re currently experiencing a power outage from the storm, so the candles are out!
(Tif) Typical Laguna problems haha. But this ambiance is no stranger as we do candlelight after dark. This enables an intimate and still environment as we unwind for the day. We also own a battery-powered radio that we often listen to.

"and we've been hanging out ever since."
Let’s rewind a bit and learn more about how you two became acquainted with one another. When was that?
(Jordan) Two years and three months ago!
(Tif) Yep! I was working at the Ecology Center in San Juan Capistrano while taking time away from my prior profession in real estate. Real estate was becoming spiritually draining and was the complete opposite of me; I’m very honest and want to find the best for everyone, but the day-to-day of that career was rather cutthroat. After about a decade, I guess you can say that I had a spiritual awakening and realized that I couldn’t do that anymore.
Fast-forward, I started volunteering at the Ecology Center and felt so normal, and was surrounded by good people. So, my mind was set to work there, put my hands in the dirt, and be around this energy.
(Jordan) The Ecology Center is like a vortex; There’s such a vibe where you genuinely feel different… It’s a special place. During the pandemic, I found myself going frequently with my childhood best friend who works there to this day. So, I’d go four or five times a week to buy groceries, catch up with friends, and of course, try to see Tif.
(Tif) It was all in passing, but I believe after about five months of small talk, we finally exchanged contacts and grabbed tea at Urth Cafe a few weeks later. We ended up talking for hours, listening to CDs in the car, and we've been hanging out ever since.
(Jordan) We met at the farm and got married on a different farm.

"Tif and I had a 'Let’s go' mindset."
Would you two mind talking about the recent wedding?
(Jordan) Absolutely! Our friend, Bree, and her family own Bluebird Canyon Farms and its 13 acres of land in Laguna Beach. It wasn’t until the night before that we decided to get married. We texted Tif’s pastor, as well as our good friends to be our “witness” for the ceremony.
So, how many people in total?
(Tif) Four. Well, including us two, six.
(Jordan) It was great. The owner of the farm even brought a bouquet for Tif and a nice bottle of prosecco for the two of us.
We walked around, picked the spot, did the ceremony, had a glass, and that was it haha!
(Tif) And my pastor had the most beautiful things to say! Before, I contacted him saying, “Just something quick! You can simply pray over us and marry us,” but he had this whole sermon and speech, and it was wonderful.
Did you both always imagine your wedding playing out like that?
(Jordan) That’s just our style. We didn’t feel the need to put too much money into our wedding and we don’t have a lot of family locally.
Speaking of which, did the spontaneous wedding upset any family members?
(Jordan) My mom was pretty upset.
(Tif) There was definitely a misunderstanding; We told her ahead of time that we were going to elope.
(Jordan) She got over it! But that’s the thing. Tif and I had a “Let’s go” mindset for our wedding.

"Being in the in-between and the not-knowing."
Can we get a little inside scoop about the honeymoon?
(Jordan) Well, we bought this 1985 Volkswagen camper bus with the pop-top two weeks before our honeymoon. We eventually drove our way up to Oregon and planned to visit these hot springs throughout the trip. We love the vibe of Northern California and Southern Oregon; The coastline, the landscape, etc. And we did just that! We camped in the Redwoods and relaxed in the hot spring.
No service, no problem. Well…
(Tif) The van didn’t start when we decided to leave. AAA couldn’t make it out immediately, so we extended the trip an extra night. We got it towed into town which added an extra four days to the honeymoon.
So, did you become familiar with the townspeople?
(Jordan) It’s a small town! They had a natural food co-op and a book store which kept us two occupied. We also stayed in what is called a “warm spring”; They had these mineral baths carved from stone in the Victorian Era.
(Tif) Luckily, our personalities are very “go with the flow”, so the unforeseen circumstances didn’t affect our experience.
(Jordan) Go with the flow and stay grounded. What else can you do?
(Tif) Being in the in-between and the not-knowing, we took things day by day. We both ended up reading a couple of books each and getting to know the townspeople.
(Jordan) There’s only one Uber driver. And sometimes we had to call the cab because there were no Uber drivers haha. But in those situations, there’s not much else you can do.
This can only be more memorable for you two later down the line when you can reminisce together or with others.
(Tif) And if anything, this gave us more time to relax and be with one another.

"on to the next chapter of our lives."
Has there been a significant change in the relationship since being married? Or is it rather the same and simply a check of the box?
(Tif) I think for guys, getting married isn’t a huge deal and more of a “when we’re ready” kind of thing. Rather, I’m ready by day one haha. As a girl, you grow up fantasizing and imagining what your husband will be like or what this stage of life will be like. And once you’re finally married, it’s like this big relief or at least it was for me. Now that this part is completed, we can move on to the next chapter of our lives like raising a family. It has changed a lot!
What is a piece of advice you could give to a couple who are moving in together for the first time?
(Jordan) You have to be willing to be flexible and be able to compromise with one another. Especially for people who are, say in their mid-30s, have their way of doing things. Their groove so to speak. And you have to be willing to give your partner space and not for things to always go your way. You sometimes get what’s important to you and you sometimes give to your partner, so you can both live in harmony.

"Being a safe haven for all souls."
Fast forwarding to today, we are very familiar with each of your businesses and ventures. Can you each talk about the origins of each; Tif, starting with The Great Love Club and A Slow Market?
(Tif) I started The Great Love Club as a social club when we first moved to Laguna Beach. We both were suffering through certain losses and heartbreak before the move, and I felt the calling to start some kind of group to meet like-minded, kind people. Because I wasn’t around that for most of my life. Volunteering at the Ecology Center, I discovered that having some kind of mission can bring good people together. And that inspired me to start a walking group where we met just once a week very early in the morning. It was very innocent and sweet, and I realized right away that people sought community, and I was able to provide that. And I’m not an extrovert by any means, but I was given this gift to do it.
I let the club flow from there and eventually started to host events all geared towards sustainable, slow living and support small businesses; Farm-to-table dinners, workshops where you could learn a skill or craft, etc. This is all curated into what is now, A Slow Market; A monthly pop-up market with dozens of vendors, live music, and wellness sessions. Overall, so many people needed this kind of community, and I wanted this club to be a way to slow down and receive proper healing.
I decided to take some time off from the markets to enjoy our honeymoon, but to also rethink how to sustainably host them. Recently, I started a book club and got close to 100 sign-ups within the first 24 hours, so now I have to figure out how to host such a meet up haha.
You definitely need a microphone.
(Tif) All-in-all, it’s sweet to know that I can keep going with the flow and the club can continue to transform as it is. I have these really strong intuitive thoughts of, “This is what you should do next,” and I’ll just roll with it.
(Jordan) The interesting thing about the earlier stage with the walks specifically was the interesting mix of people who came. There were all walks of life who were, again, looking for a bit of community and a safe place. That is to me the story of The Great Love Club and A Slow Market; Being a safe haven for all souls.
That seems parallel with the community events hosted here at SEED People’s Market from the hiking club to the DIY workshops. And at the end of the day, people are seeking a place of belonging no matter who they are, where they came from, what they look like, or what they do. We too strive to create inclusivity.
(Tif) And we’re meant to live in community in a way that we’re moving as a society. Everyone at this point is craving real human connection.

"The jewelry of the land."
Absolutely! Moving on to your business, Jordan. Can you explain the origin of SKYDOG, how it came to be, and where it is now?
(Jordan) SKYDOG! Well, when I was wrapping up my time as a student at Cal State Fullerton, I was trying to navigate my life, as well as my career. Over the years, I was making “spoon rings”; I’d buy silver spoons and forks, cut them in half, and weld the handle into a ring. And for context, both my father and grandfather were career jewelers, so we had plenty of old tools in the garage. I was selling these rings on Etsy and at one shop in Orange.
Once I became inspired enough to do this for a living, I taught myself how to make quality, Native American-inspired jewelry by hand. It was off to the races from there and it eventually snowballed to where it is now. We’re ten-and-a-half years in, and trial-by-fire, learned everything you need to know about the jewelry industry; Manufacturing, stone sourcing, stone cutting… Social media and the whole business aspect of that.
Today, we focus on unique, one-of-a-kind stones found in nature, and offer beautiful jewelry, as well as engagement rings without the traditional diamond, expressing your love with any piece of the earth. The story of SKYDOG is about acknowledging nature and respecting the land; The jewelry of the land.

"focusing on your intention and things aligning in your favor."
Besides the business aspect, what has gravitated you two to Laguna Beach the most?
(Jordan) I have this memory from fifteen or so years ago, driving up north on Pacific Coast Highway past Oak Street right at the crack of dawn. The sun was coming up, there was a layer of fog on the horizon, and no one else was in sight. And it was just that magical moment that has been a strong memory for me, confirming my admiration for this place.
(Tif) When we were looking at moving in together, we both thought about Laguna immediately. I’ve gravitated towards this city the most for as long as I can remember. I received confirmation over coffee with a friend and prayer that God would find us a place to live. That very day, we found the listing for this beautiful home and took the steps necessary to get it.
(Jordan) It’s all about focusing on your intention and things aligning in your favor.

"We’ll cap it off with a nice walk."
We’d like to end our conversation with a fun two-sided question. Can one of you tell me the perfect Saturday evening in Laguna Beach and the other tell me the best way to spend a slow Sunday morning?
(Jordan) I can tackle Saturday night, but it depends because we cook a lot at home. We typically cook three meals per day, but every once and a while, I’ll say “F it”, let’s get a burger. So whether we had a beach day before or we worked a little late, we’ll head down to AhbA, see some friends, come back home to watch a DVD, and finish the night with some tea and chocolate.
(Tif) Our Sunday mornings are very quiet. We tend to wake up early to see the sun come out. Jordan will make us some coffee while I read or journal. We’ll cap it off with a nice walk around the neighborhood or down to Rye Goods for a treat.
Thank you for being gracious hosts to SEED People’s Market. We hope to reconnect soon and see how things are going with the business, the club, and life in Laguna.

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